ブランド「SHISEIDO」のミレニアル世代向けの新スキンケアライン「WASO(ワソウ)」のキャンペーンムービーを撮影した映像作家のジュリアン・クリンスウィックス。アナログカメラを用いたノスタルジックな世界観で、カルバン・クラインやアクネ ストゥディオズなどファッションブランドのキャンペーンを手がけるジュリアンは、今のユース世代を象徴するアーティストのひとり。足早に駆け抜けた2日間の東京撮影ののちに行った、ジュリアンへのインタビューを全文紹介します。ジュリアンのことばを通して見えてくる、今の時代の美しい生き方とは?
Julian Klincewicz, a video artist who filmed a campaign movie of the new skin care line "WASO" for the millennial generation of the brand "SHISEIDO". After shooting two days which passed quickly, we made an interview. What is the beautiful way of life to see through the words of artists symbolizing the current youth generation.

Tell us a bit about yourself (Bio).
I’m an artist, a human being, I try my best to be the best person I can be, to be helpful, and to create things that are really important to me with the intention that they can connect with others as well. I feel like I’m always learning and I enjoy feeling like I’m just begging things – always starting something new.

最初に作品を作ったのはいつ? 何を作りましたか?
When did you make the first portfolio? And what made you start?
Mmm, I don’t really know. I think the only time I ever made a portfolio was when applying to colleges, but I didn’t end up going to any of the schools. I’ve always made art though, for me it’s just a natural expression. It’s the way I see the world, and in a lot of ways it’s the way I understand the world, and can show what I feel in the world.
映像はどのように作りますか? 一人で、または友人と?
How do you make movie? By yourself or with your friends?
I think it’s both, because I like to do as much by myself as I can, but I couldn’t ever make anything without the help of friends, and family, and other people.

Could you tell us your thoughts on analog vs high tech? I know you prefer analog but is there a reason why you prefer analog over high tech?
For me it's about the physicality and the tangibility of analog. I'd be open to shooting something digitally in a high-tech way in the future, but only if it's right for the project... and so far the right project for digital hasn't come up. I really enjoy working with analog cameras such as VHS or Super8, because the medium - the physical tape or film - adds something special and unique to what i already see. The color palates too are really unique. the last thing is that the lower fidelity mediums allow more room for feeling, to inherent abstractions that come up through them allow me to convey an emotion in a stronger way because the actual image is less clear.

What was your inspiration behind the ‘Road Routines’ content?
I mean, I think what interests me is being human – are those areas that level everyone out and keep us connected. It’s amazing to get to shoot on top of a mountain in Tenerife – no question. It’s inspiring. But it can also be hard to capture a really human element when you have such grandiose circumstances – so doing smaller portraits of a few individuals grants the opportunity to see them in a more direct and human and beautiful way. My hope is that it will help to expand everyone’s perceptions of beauty – even if only by hair.
What did you find in Tokyo?
Tokyo is one of my favorite places in the world – when I was 19 years old I lived around Tokyo for 2 months, just exploring. This past time was a bit different as it was such a short trip – only two days… But I got to see a lot of really amazing places like Happoen & The Sento.

東京はあなたにとってどんな街ですか? 今回WASOの撮影を行ったもうひとつの街、パリと、あなたのホームタウンのニューヨークのことも教えてください。
How the city, Tokyo inspires you? How about Paris and NY, your hometown?
Tokyo is super inspiring to me – though lately I’ve been much more inspired by country side’s and open land than cities… I think there’s something about having space, being able to look out and see nature that feels really important right now. Sort of the same thing with Paris – The architecture and the energy in Paris is really incredible, there’s so many awesome people there too right now. But I’ve been most happy lately when I’m in upstate new york, or I took a road trip with my girlfriend Irie through California – to San Luis Obispo – and that was so beautiful.

このビデオでは手をつないで歩いたり、花を愛でたりスケボーをしたり、いつも僕たちがしているようなことや、気分が上がるような場所に行ってみたりしたよ! いつも僕たちはたくさんの時間を一緒に過ごして、自然に彼女の映像や写真撮影を終えていくから、これは本当にいつもの僕たちと変わりないんだ。これはアイリーと僕の、愛に満ちたパリの冒険だよ。アイリーの作品は花々がテーマだったので、6時とか朝早く起きて、パリの花市場に行ったんだけど、そのときの状況がすごく興味深くてね。というのも、僕たちが乗ったタクシーの運転手が今まで会った中で至上最高に失礼な人で、僕たちは彼が僕たちのすべてを狂わせてしまうのではと思ったんだ……。彼が僕たちを乗せたときにすぐに怒ったり失礼な態度をとったからね。それに普通の街中を60マイル(90キロ)で走ったり、ブレーキを叩きつけたりしたんだ。すごく異様な状況だったよ。ジェニーの作品はもう少し細かな計画を立てたんだ。旅行者の観点で、八芳園の美しい日本庭園や渋谷のゲームセンターのような、東京がもつ二面性を切り取ってみたよ。
Regarding the film "Irie", this is really intimate and I felt that this film is full of love. So, could you tell me some episodes when you shot this film? Also, I'm happy to hear the episode from Jenny's shoot as well...
I think the thing is we just did what we would normally do, and tried to go to places we were excited to see! We spend so much time together, and naturally I'll end up filming or taking photos of her, and her of me, so this wasn't really any different. We just explored Paris, in love. Irie works with flowers - so we woke up at like 6:00am to go to the Paris flower market, which was really interesting - our cab driver was the rudest person I've ever met though, and we all thought he was going to crash us... For some reason when he picked us up he was immediately just mad and rude, and he was driving like 60mph on normal city streets and then slamming the brakes... it was really bizarre. Jenny's was a little more planned - we approached it from a tourists point of view, and tried to capture a range of dualities that Tokyo offers - from the beautiful garden of Happo-en, to an arcade in Shibuya.
ワオ、ありがとう!笑 服を着るときは自分に似合うかどうか、それと快適さを意識するよう努めているよ。ときどきキャラっぽいものとか、ファニーなポイントを入れたくなったり、反対にすごくシンプルにしたくなったりするけどね。たいていはモノトーンか、少しデニムを取り入れてるかな。
At the location hunting, your denim-on-denim style was really nice. What is the key-point of your style?
Ooo thank you so much haha! I just try to dress so I feel good about myself, or comfortable. Sometimes it’s more about fun, like trying to be a bit of a character, sometimes it’s just about being simple. I mostly like wearing black and white, or a bit of denim.
Who’s your super star?
The Moon. My mom. Patti Smith.
Who and what inspired your worldview the most?
Love, compassion, and understanding. I think my mom has really shaped my world view and inspired me to try to be the best person I can be.

What thing make you feel “beautiful”?
Hmmm… I see beauty in everything. I think everyone can be beautiful in some way, and I just like to appreciate that, and if I can – show some part of it through my art. I don’t really think of myself as beautiful, but I just try to be the best person I can, and hope that others are doing the same. I think it’s a beautiful thing when you’re with people you love, and you feel free, and you don’t think about yourself – you just get lost in a moment with others. I think that’s a beautiful feeling.
