―What was your concept and thoughts behind the photo story?
Tokyo was a big influence for me - the colors, the lights, the people. What I think inspired me the most though is how little people touch or interact with one another. From what I've seen in the younger generations in Tokyo - is that they want that connection - they want to be close to one another - to be able to touch - to feel. The girls I shot were perfect examples of that - they just fell into each other's laps. They were so comfortable with one another and with the camera. I felt like I was being let in to their personal world but that we were also creating something together.

―How did you respond to the issue theme, “Touch”?
Physical contact and the tangible are very important to me. I shoot with film because it is tangible. The way my photos turn out are because of the way the light hits the negatives, the emotions that seep(don't know how to spell that) into the negatives from in front and behind the camera. So, for me touch is not just a thing in my everyday life but it is also a big part of my practice.

―Please tell us memorable moments from the shoot.
Towards the end of the shoot- at nightfall- I took Serena alone in a cab to shoot her. We had a blue light on in the car and played some music and it just felt so cinematic and magical.

―最近ではあなたは異なる役割を担っていますね。写真家にモデル、キュレーター、そして編集と。それらの経験が互いにどのように影響をしていますか? そしてそれらが全体としてどのようにあなたの芸術的な表現に刺激を与えていますか?
―In recent years you have taken on different creative roles; a photographer, a model, a curator, and an editor. How do these experience influence each other and inform your artistic output as a whole?
It's important for me to take on different roles and mediums - it gives me perspective on what I do the most(photography). I studied criticism and curatorial practice in school and I think that taught me the most about expanding your mind to better your physical practice. The more I study philosophy, theory, etc the more I am informed of what is going on in the world and what I can create in photographs. Curation has also taught me how to bring a bunch of opposing or different ideas together to create a new one. Modeling/being in front of the camera helps me connect more with subjects when I'm behind it. I know what is comfortable and not and what gets people excited or down.

―少し前に、あなたのTumblrで『花椿』の表紙を見かけました。それはどのように見つけたのですか? そしてあなたが個別に『花椿』に抱くイメージはありますか?
―We saw that you posted the cover of Hanatsubaki on your tumblr in the past. How did you come across with the image? And what was your initial thoughts about the magazine?
I'm an avid tumblr and am obsessed with finding new imagery on the Internet. I have no idea how I came across it but I became obsessed with that cover image. It was so dark and moody.

ハハハありがとう! 私の撮影のときのスタイルは、基本的にスーパーカジュアル。主にヴィンテージのドレスと快適なアディダスのスニーカーを合わせることが多いの。ドレスを着ると、そこら中に漂う感じになれて、ほんとに自分が傍観者になったような気になれる。そして私のスタイルの一番大きなポイントは、身につけていて自分が本当に落ち着く服を着ること。ひとは自分が一番お気に入りの服を着ている時がいつも最高だと思いますよ。
―Every time you showed up in Tokyo, you were dressed amazingly. Please tell us your style tip and where and how you source your clothes.
Haha thank you!! My personal style when shooting is super casual and comfy - I like to wear dresses (usually vintage) when I shoot because it makes me feel like I can float around and really be a spectator. My biggest style tip is to find what's most comfortable and wear that. You always look the best when you feel the best. With sourcing I mainly wear vintage and am always wearing my adidas sneakers (comfort).

―What art, fashion, music, film have inspired/influenced you in forming your artistic philosophy and aesthetics?
The Virgin suicides, Paris Texas, and Sedmikrasky.
―When you are down what cheers you up? Or makes you happy?
My little sister. She can instantly make me happy. She is my favorite person on earth and is so warm and caring. We grew up very close - physically as well - we slept in the same bed until we were 12. So we are very close and we really know how to cheer eachother up.

―あなたの美の定義は何ですか? どんなものにあなたは美を感じますか?
―What is your definition of beauty? What are things that you think is beautiful?
Character is beauty. Imperfections are beautiful. Lines, bumps, curves, those things make me realize we are human which to me is the most exciting thing.
映画です! 私はいつも物語の創作のアイデアにとりつかれていて、将来はぜったいに1本作ってみたいと思っているんですよ。
―What interests you most at the moment?
Film! I've always been obsessed with the idea of creating stories and really want to create one in the future.

Petra Collins
1992年カナダ・トロント生まれ。15歳から写真を撮り始める。現在はNYを拠点に活躍し、海外版『VOGUE』『i-D』『CR FASHION BOOK』などの雑誌やカルバン・クラインなどのブランドキャンペーンへの参加、そしてSNSの発信を通して世界中のフォロワーの共感を得ている。新時代のフェミニズムを牽引するアーティストの一人として主に若い女性を被写体に、その身体からにじみ出る現代の女性らしさの描写に取り組む。