Shuta Hasunuma
Born in 1983 in Tokyo. In addition to releasing his own recordings and organizing and performing with the Shuta Hasunuma Philharmonic Orchestra both in Japan and abroad, he has collaborated in genres across the performing arts, including film, theater, dance, and musical production. Most recently, he has been applying musical composition techniques to a variety of media to present video, sound, sculpture, and installation works in both solo exhibitions and projects. He is active in Japan and abroad. In 2014, he received a grant from the Asian Cultural Council (ACC), and in 2017, he was a member of the Agency of Cultural Affairs’ East Asian Cultural Exchange Envoy. His major solo exhibitions have included “Compositions” (New York, Pioneer Works, 2018) and “~ ing” (Tokyo, Shiseido Gallery, 2018). His latest album is Shuta Hasunuma Philharmonic Orchestra’s “ANTHROPOCENE” (2018). For “~ ing” (Tokyo, Shiseido Gallery, 2018), he was awarded the 69th Art Encouragement Prize for New Artists from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.